Case Study

Case Study

Case Study

Surf Forecast Redesign

Surf Forecast Redesign

Surf Forecast Redesign

Spend more time paddling out. Spend less time forecasting.

Spend more time paddling out. Spend less time forecasting.

Spend more time paddling out.

Spend less time forecasting.




Surf Forecast is my favorite, most trusted application that I use to check the waves in my area. It maintains the accuracy of some of the more popular wave forecasting apps like Surfline or the former MagicSeaWeed, but without a lot of the "noise". When I'm checking the waves, I simply want to see the data. I don't care to read articles about breaks thousands of miles from me or about professional sponsorship deals. The quicker I can check the forecast, the quicker I can get in the water.




I really like the simplistic look to Surf Forecast's UI, but I think it's simplicity can also be a hindrance for user retention. For this reason, I wanted to try to further simplify the UI while adding some vibrancy to the app that aligns with the company branding. I will utilize competitor apps to determine what similar features need to be kept as well. My goal is to simplify the UI while creating a foundation for features to be implemented at a later point.

This is Surf Forecast's current homepage UI. The interface is very simple as focus is more on the data provided. Small changes could really bring the UI to life and improve user experience.

This is Surf Forecast's current homepage UI. The interface is very simple as focus is more on the data provided. Small changes could really bring the UI to life and improve user experience.

Just some note-taking/planning.




• Utilize pins that preview the forecast before clicking on them (green = good, red = bad, etc.)

• Add some color to the menus in place of white space.

• Organize all menu buttons together and create a cohesive size.




• How do competitor's apps compare, and what can be learned from them?

• How can the new UI improve the efficiency and usability of existing features?

• How can the new UI align with and enhance the overall brand identity?


As I chose to redesign the Surf Forecast app out of pure interest, I was able to have some fun with this and provide some changes that, as a user, I would love to see implemented. One of the proposed changes that I've included in this redesign is the ability to see conditions without clicking on a specific location. Each pinned location previews the current conditions through different colors with green = good conditions, yellow = meh conditions, and red = poor conditions. My overall intent is to get the data as fast as I can, and this helps determine which spots to look at and which not to in a matter of seconds.

I was also able to add some much needed color, update some fonts for a cohesive look, as well as organize the menu/feature buttons.

Below is a carousel containing sample shots from this effort.


As I chose to redesign the Surf Forecast app out of pure interest, I was able to have some fun with this and provide some changes that, as a user, I would love to see implemented. One of the proposed changes that I've included in this redesign is the ability to see conditions without clicking on a specific location. Each pinned location previews the current conditions through different colors with green = good conditions, yellow = meh conditions, and red = poor conditions. My overall intent is to get the data as fast as I can, and this helps determine which spots to look at and which not to in a matter of seconds.

I was also able to add some much needed color, update some fonts for a cohesive look, as well as organize the menu/feature buttons.

Below is a carousel containing sample shots from this effort.

If you've made it this far, just know that I appreciate you taking the time.

If you've made it this far, just know that I appreciate you taking the time.

If you've made it this far, just know that

I appreciate you taking the time.

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