Case Study

Case Study

Case Study

Samourai Wallet Redesign

Samourai Wallet Redesign

Samourai Wallet Redesign

Why should privacy be ugly?

Why should privacy be ugly?



Samourai Wallet is one of my favorite bitcoin wallets out there. I've used this wallet for years alongside their Whirlpool application, and I am a proud Ronin Dojo node operator. Their dedication to privacy is unlike any other project in the space. Although the wallet features a robust set of privacy-focused tools for its users, the design is something that I believe could be updated to both improve the overall appearance of the app as well as minimize user confusion.


Samourai Wallet is one of my favorite bitcoin wallets out there. I've used this wallet for years alongside their Whirlpool application, and I am a proud Ronin Dojo node operator. Their dedication to privacy is unlike any other project in the space. Although the wallet features a robust set of privacy-focused tools for its users, the design is something that I believe could be updated to both improve the overall appearance of the app as well as minimize user confusion.



Although the wallet's design emphasizes their strong cypherpunk aesthetic, I wanted to see what this wallet would look like if, for instance, the wallet had a sleek UI similar to Strike, another one of my favorite wallets. Although Strike is essentially the antithesis of what Samourai Wallet stands for (custodial vs non-custodial), I don't believe privacy should be ugly. For this reason, I decided to combine the two to see what this would look like.


Although the wallet's design emphasizes their strong cypherpunk aesthetic, I wanted to see what this wallet would look like if, for instance, the wallet had a sleek UI similar to Strike, another one of my favorite wallets. Although Strike is essentially the antithesis of what Samourai Wallet stands for (custodial vs non-custodial), I don't believe privacy should be ugly. For this reason, I decided to combine the two to see what this would look like.

Here's a look at the current Samourai Wallet UI. As you can see, the interface uses a very rudimentary design and could benefit from an updated look.

Here's a look at the current Samourai Wallet UI. As you can see, the interface uses a very rudimentary design and could benefit from an updated look.

Some very simple wireframing.

Some very simple wireframing.



• In place of a user profile (Strike) we can utilize PayNyms (Samourai Wallet).

• The sleek, dark interface that Strike uses can still be utilized to achieve Samourai's cypherpunk aesthetic.

• The level of information shown in Samourai will need to be included as to maintain user satisfaction.


• In place of a user profile (Strike) we can utilize PayNyms (Samourai Wallet).

• The sleek, dark interface that Strike uses can still be utilized to achieve Samourai's cypherpunk aesthetic.

• The level of information shown in Samourai will need to be included as to maintain user satisfaction.



• Which core features from Samourai Wallet need to be translated into this new design?

• How can the UI reduce the barrier to entry for users seeking bitcoin privacy?

• With so many features in Samourai Wallet, can a simple UI be created without over cluttering the available space?


• Which core features from Samourai Wallet need to be translated into this new design?

• How can the UI reduce the barrier to entry for users seeking bitcoin privacy?

• With so many features in Samourai Wallet, can a simple UI be created without over cluttering the available space?


After several hours within Penpot, I was able to get a result that I was happy with. Below you will see a carousel that shows screenshots of the sampled redesign that starts with the loading (initializing Tor) screen and leads you through some of the features.

I thoroughly enjoyed mashing these two powerhouse bitcoin wallets together. Below the carousel, I've included images that I shared to X (formerly Twitter) as well as Nostr, and to my surprise, I received amazing feedback from other users and even the official Samourai account.


After several hours within Penpot, I was able to get a result that I was happy with. Below you will see a carousel that shows screenshots of the sampled redesign that starts with the loading (initializing Tor) screen and leads you through some of the features.

I thoroughly enjoyed mashing these two powerhouse bitcoin wallets together. Below the carousel, I've included images that I shared to X (formerly Twitter) as well as Nostr, and to my surprise, I received amazing feedback from other users and even the official Samourai account.

If you've made it this far, just know that I appreciate you taking the time.

If you've made it this far, just know that I appreciate you taking the time.

If you've made it this far, just know that

I appreciate you taking the time.

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